I will be speaking at the Columbus Buckeye SharePoint Users Group on Thursday, January 16th. The meeting will start at 5:30pm. My topic will be "Share, Follow, and Sync: How SharePoint 2013 uses Personal MySites for Social functionality”. Here’s a brief description of the talk:
Prior to SharePoint 2013 many organizations built a MySite Host but never implemented personal MySite storage. This was a very viable strategy in 2010. But with the introduction of the Social features in SharePoint 2013 things have changed. In this talk we’ll review all the new "Social" features in SharePoint 2013 that depend on personal MySites. We’ll also look at how to control and manage personal MySites in your organization and discuss how future integration with Yammer may change this requirement.
Next Buckeye SPUG Meeting: Jan 16th – 5:30 pm @ the Microsoft Polaris Office
Agenda |
5:30pm – 6:00pm –> Food Sponsor’s Presentation
6:00pm – 6:30pm –> Community Time
6:30pm – 7:30pm –> My Talk
7:30pm + —> SharePint @ The Pub