If there is one thing in life that is a constant it is that things are always changing. New products are released, new technologies developed, and new job opportunities arise. I decided a few weeks ago that it was time to make a change like that in my life. I decided it was time to bid my position as a Principal Trainer/Associate at Mindsharp goodbye and return to the world of fulltime consulting. So two weeks ago I submitted my notice and yesterday was my last official day as a Mindsharp employee.
I’m taking the rest of the year off to spend some time with family and friends and get some serious writing done on a book I’m co-authoring with Daniel Galant about SharePoint Designer 2010. Then starting in January I’ll be back to deciding where I go from here. I’ve started talking to several companies about a position as a Senior SharePoint Architect/Developer. Or I may decide to go back to being an independent consultant for my own company, Don’t Pa..Panic Software. Whatever I decide I wish all my friends at Mindsharp well. Keep your eye on this blog. When I make a decision on where I’m going I’ll post it here.