SharePoint Saturday – Cincinnati

SPSCincinnatiI had a small but enthusiastic group at my session this past Saturday at the SharePoint Saturday Cincinnati event. We had an excellent discussion about the planning that organizations should do before they implement or upgrade a SharePoint environment.  I promised attendees that I would post my slides by today before I got busy with other things.  You can find a link to the session below…

Implementing SharePoint: Failure to Plan is Planning to Fail (Slides)

One of the most common mistakes I’ve seen clients make when implementing SharePoint is to not spend enough time review a list of seven planning topics that are critical to the success of every SharePoint project. We’ll review what questions you should ask and why each area is critical to project.
The seven areas include:
• Governance
• Security
• Content Classification (Taxonomy/Folksonomy)
• Physical and Logical Architecture
• High Availability/Disaster Recovery
• Staffing
• Training/Communications

Dogfood 2017 Conference Slides

Dogfood2015_thumbI really enjoyed my time at the Dogfood Conference in Columbus on Friday. The attendees were great and my talk on OneDrive Sync was well attended. There were lots of questions, but I was still able to power through my slides and the demos.  I want to express my thanks to the conference organizers and the attendees for the wonderful conference. I really enjoyed myself and I hope to be invited back to speak again next year.

I promised attendees that I would post the slides, so I’ve uploaded them here.  If you didn’t get a chance to respond to the survey I posted you can also find a link to that here:

Slides – Intro To OneDrive Next Gen Sync: What is it, how does it work, and can I manage it?

Short Survey

SharePoint Fest – Denver Wrap-up, Slides, and Demos

My wife and I really enjoyed our visit to Denver last week.  The conference attendees were great and asked a lot of good questions at both of my sessions.  It was a pleasure to feel that I was sharing information that people really wanted to learn about.  It was even more exciting because this was my first chance to present under the logo of my own company.  As you’ve probably seen on my web site I’ve left Blue Chip Consulting and launched my own one man firm under then name Don’t Pa..Panic Consulting.  The Denver conference was just two weeks after deciding to go independent.  So everything looked bright and shiny and new, to go with my new business cards.

The one thing that didn’t go well were the demos in my DLP talk.  Despite checking them the night before, the SharePoint sites I was using for demos refused to load during my talk.  I also tried demoing creating a new custom DLP policy and although that worked perfectly at 6:30 AM, when trying it for my talk PowerShell threw an error saying it couldn’t find the Exchange endpoint on the server.  So I promised to spend some time this week recording the demos and making them available here.  Note: I’m still working on the recordings, but they will be up soon.

I also promised to make my slides available, so I’ve uploaded them here.  They are also available on the SharePoint Fest Denver site for attendees.  If you have any follow-up questions please email me at  You can download a copy of the slides from each talk using the links below:

ECM 104 – OneDrive for Business: How to manage Sharing and Syncing with the Next Gen client

ECM 203 – Protecting your Content: Demystifying Data Loss Prevention (DLP) in SharePoint

DLP Demos

Demo1: Creating Compliance Policy & eDiscovery Centers

More Soon !

SharePoint Fest – DC Wrap-up and Slides

SPFDC17PortalBadgev2I continue to feel honored that SharePoint Fest invites me to present at their conferences.  The most recent even was in DC a couple weeks ago.  The attendees were great and both of my talks were well received. As always I really enjoyed the conference and the discussions I had with attendees and the other presenters. This is one of the few times each year that I get to see a lot of my friends who live all over the world.  The next conference is in Denver in June.  I hope to see you there.

I had lots of attendees at both sessions who asked for the slides so I’ve uploaded them here.  They are also available on the SharePoint Fest DC site.  If you have any follow-up questions please email me at  You can download a copy of the slides from each talk using the links below:

BV 202 – SharePoint 2016: What’s New and Why should I Upgrade?

ECM 104 – Protecting your Content: Demystifying Data Loss Prevention (DLP) in SharePoint 2016

SharePoint Fest – Chicago Wrap-up and Slides

SharePointFestChicago2016I really enjoyed my time at SharePoint Fest in Chicago last week. Due to some personal commitments I had to cut things short and was only able to make one day of the conference.  But I still had a wonderful time.  The attendees were great and both of my talks were well received. I want to express my thanks to the conference organizers and the attendees for the wonderful conference. I really enjoyed myself and I’m already looking forward to doing it again in DC next spring.

I had lots of attendees at both sessions who asked for the slides so I’ve uploaded them here.  They are also available on the SharePoint Fest Chicago site.  If you have any follow-up questions please email me at  You can download a copy of the slides from each talk using the links below:

BV 103 – SharePoint 2016: What’s New and Why should I Upgrade?

SIA 106 – Implementing SharePoint: Failure to Plan is Planning to Fail